Versions 1.18.x

Changes and news


Delivery check - entering S/N and recording (not completing) also records numbers

When checking a delivery, the system automatically saves the serial numbers entered if you do not complete the delivery check but save it for completion at a later date. The serial numbers entered for an assortment are saved and loaded when you return to check delivery.

Previously, saving serial numbers only worked when closing the check via the Exit button
001 aweb 3066 a0152
Availability: Delivery

Locations, Product Groups - Redesign of trees and availability of actions

The product group and location displays have been changed. Additional contextual actions have been added to the displays of the previously mentioned trees and action details. The way of adding main elements in the structure and those subordinate ones has been changed. It has been made possible to easily edit and delete items.

In addition, drag & drop operations and the creation of new items have been secured to prevent the creation of items with the same names at the same level.

002 aweb 3081 3a24a

Invoices - invoice list report

Additional invoice list report. That allows you to generate an invoice list report for a selected contractor, time range, etc.

003 aweb 3063 a56db
003 aweb 3063 b60b8
Availability: Finance

Invoices - PDF/CSV invoice report

Invoices have been given the option to generate the invoice appearance on the application’s internal formats and using custom templates. In addition, each invoice can be exported to CSV format.

004 aweb 2945 dfc08
Availability: Finance

Check delivery - an option to set check date

During the delivery check, the option to enter/edit the date of the actual execution of this check appeared. The field is available while editing the delivery (on the selected edit screen). If no value is entered, the current date at the time of saving the check will be selected.

005 aweb 3078 afa30
Availability: Delivery

Delivery check - search for items from the list

When checking the delivery, it is possible to search the list of items currently displayed and filter them. By entering any text, items are searched by name, order number, or catalog number. Only those items that contain the test you are looking for are displayed.

006 aweb 3077 69427
Availability: Delivery

Mobile - Loading - contextual search of elements

During the loading process, after selecting an item from the warehouse, we can quickly search other warehouses by selecting the item as a pattern. That is available through a button in the loading view. After selecting it, we are automatically taken to the search engine for the material in the warehouse with the corresponding assortment name filter.

007 aweb 487 1f1c7
007 aweb 487 08105
Availability: Delivery

Object details - refresh the view

All object detail views (e.g., orders, orders, supervision, resources) have received an additional button that allows you to refresh the data without reloading the view in the browser. That is useful when changes to a particular record have occurred, for example, while browsing via a mobile device. All detail views have been equipped with such an action.

008 aweb 2821 d5bb8
Availability: Everywhere

Inspection template - an option to include instructions (html, file)

The inspection template has been expanded to include two options for storing instructions for executing a given verification procedure. The ability to enter text directly copied from MS Word documents has been added, along with the ability to format, edit and colorize the text.

009 aweb 3067 5aa34

The second option is the ability to add a list of attachments to the template. Those files are available for viewing during the inspection.

009 aweb 3067 a3637

During execution, two additional buttons appeared that display either the attachments of a given inspection template or the saved inspection execution instruction.

009 aweb 3067 50296
009 aweb 3067 22403
Availability: Inspections

Mobile - a view of planned inspections for the upcoming period and order of execution

The mobile display provides a preview for scheduled inspections to be performed and the ability to schedule them or go straight to performing the inspection.

The view allows you to show the inspection plans that are due for execution (by default in a given week). The list shows the dates of a planned execution, the scheduled execution date, as well as the scope of work and assigned people. From this view, we can schedule and assign people to perform inspections or independently schedule and immediately perform a given inspection.

010 aweb 3071 4df8c

The view allows you to show the inspections that need to be done, those that have been scheduled, and those that have already been done.

By default, the view shows inspection plans assigned to an individual. Filters allow you to view plans for individuals in your department, for all individuals, and only those still to be completed.

010 aweb 3071 82e63
Availability: Inspections

Inspections - basic dashboard

The inspection dashboard has been redesigned. From now on, it includes information on the statistics of the inspections carried out.

It then shows a list of scheduled inspections for the current week and the current week. From these lists, you can directly in this view schedule (assign, set a date) the execution of inspections or immediately schedule and execute (an additional inspection execution window will appear).

The list of completed inspections for the week allows you to check them or go to the details of a particular inspection.

011 aweb 3069 518b1
Availability: Inspections

Inspections - Inspection template editor - redesign of the lists of questions, measurements and tasks

The appearance of the inspection template editor has been changed. The question, measurement, and task lists have been redesigned to make it easier to see the definition of an item and its basic parameters right away in the list view. That makes it easier to create and edit individual items.

012 aweb 3084 4dda5
Availability: Inspections

Inspection Rounds - basic dashboard

The dashboard for the workaround module has been redesigned. From now on it contains more information and is presented in a clear way.

The first line displays information about the nearest scheduled round and information about the last round performed.

The next line shows the statuses of all active workarounds indicating whether a workaround has been performed for a given template in the current schedule window. Workarounds have their specific hourly schedule along with the allowed margin of execution (e.g., +/- 2 hours).

The next line shows in a table a list of active rounds and the time to complete them. The second table shows the currently performed rounds and their statuses of the correctness of execution (wrong measurements, etc.) with the possibility to go to the details of the given rounds

If the system has an active service event module, the last section displays a list of service requests created on a given calendar day.

013 aweb 3085 80141
Availability: Inspection Rounds


Deliveries - checking - entering the S/N and the inventory number at the checking stage

In the serial number editor (e.g., for a delivery), we have the option to enter an inventory number in addition to the serial number itself, which will be automatically assigned to the asset when the delivery check is completed.

001 aweb 3020 b8e2f
Availability: Delivery

Deliveries - checking - adding S/N - load from xls file

The serial number editor now includes an option to import serial numbers, inventory numbers, and comments from xls files. This data, available in the following columns, allows quick import of S/N from an external data source (e.g., supplier documents).

002 aweb 3021 426cd
Availability: Delivery

Deliveries - desktop editor - add S/N from this view

The delivery editor in the desktop display has received an additional button for each item in the assortment, which allows you to enter the serial numbers of the material to be delivered.

003 aweb 3022 b0a09
Availability: Delivery

Users - deactivate the "local user" flag and enable it by default if there are no remote authorization servers

If the system does not have external authentication configured (LDAP server, Active Directory server, Microsoft Azure OAuth, Google, Facebook, etc.,) then the users will have the Local User option enabled in the editor without the option to change it.

004 aweb 3057 95900
Availability: Authorization

Authorization - security policy configuration made available for the super-administrators

The possibility to influence the password security policy has been made available in the system configuration. The policy specifies, among other things, the minimum length of the password, the type of characters that must appear in the password, and the time limits for forcing a password change and locking the account if the user does not log in for a specific time.

005 aweb 3043 75fd1
Availability: Authorization

Authorization - Users - display of the status of a user’s permissions, according to the security policy

An additional column appears in the user list indicating the user’s status against the password security policy. The policy may be set so that an account will be blocked due to not logging in for X days, although other permissions will allow that user to log in. That column allows us to detect such a status.

006 aweb 3042 71060
Availability: Authorization

Users - in the login history, add info whether the login was with a mobile app

In the login history of users, additional information was added whether the user logged in from mobile devices (phone, tablet, etc.). Then the field MOBILE will appear in the additional information. If the AMAGE Shell application is used, an additional message "SHELL" will appear. That allows you to detect from what type of device this login occurred.

Availability: Authorization

Attachments - redesign, support for attachment categories and public status in desktop view

The appearance of the list of attachments in objects changed. The preview and file download buttons are moved to the top of the list, and new actions have been added: change the category of selected attachments, and specify public visibility (or revoke it) for attachments.

The public status of attachments allows them to be displayed in data views accessible to external users through portals (suppliers, subcontractors). Only files marked as public will appear in those displays.
008 aweb 1892 dbce9
Availability: General

Supplier portal - display of the attachments added to the order (public)

In the supplier portal display, a list of attachments appears in the order, delivery, and claim objects. The user can download them. Only attachments with the status of "public" are made available through these displays.

009 aweb 3051 2f916
Availability: Portals

Orders, deliveries, warehouse documents - PDF generation - selection of the template from which the document is generated

In the details displays of orders, deliveries, complaints, and warehouse documents, you can generate a document for printing (PDF) with the selection of a tab (e.g., appearance).

010 aweb 3048 50765
Availability: Delivery


Cache of configuration and user profiles

The management of access profiles and configurations in the application has been modified. Now this data is stored in memory and associated with a given user from the moment of login. This significantly reduces communication with the database, which should speed up system operations and activities.

A certain inconvenience is that user’s permissions are loaded during the first login of that user. If the permissions (access profiles) or global configuration are changed, it will only apply the next time the users log in.
Availability: Everywhere

Permissions - permissions hiding financial data in displays (orders, types, warehouse, deliveries)

An additional permission has been added to hide all financial data (amounts) in the user interface. When the global implementation flag is enabled, the system begins to check whether the user has permission to display amount data. If not then the text -,- appears in the system instead of amounts. That allows financial data (price lists, invoice values, orders, deliveries, negotiated prices) to be available only to people with the appropriate permissions.

Example of data (invoice) with permission:

002 aweb 2460 db5eb

Display when the user does not have permission to view financial data.

002 aweb 2460 efbe1

Permission for this option is in the Core module after selecting the Show amount values in the interface option.

Users with Super-Administrator permission can always see the amounts and values.
002 aweb 2460 3f97c
Availability: Everywhere

Warehouse report - inventory/return completion report

Additional stock report making it easier to work without access to the system. Allows generating a stock report with space to enter information manually on the printout. Enables the implementation of physical inventory and facilitates recording data on returned items for leased materials/equipment.

The report is generated from the list of reports, but also from the inventory display (context menu)

003 aweb 2930 060ff

The report shows information about the current stock and space for data entry. At the end of the report there is space for additional notes/elements and signatures - of the executor, the checker/acceptor and the collector (in case of returns)

003 aweb 2930 6fd3a
Availability: Warehouses

Stock status - a column with information about deliveries/returns in progress

The stock display - when the orders/deliveries module is also enabled - shows columns indicating orders and deliveries in progress (in transit, loading, etc.). Delivery documents increase the counter and return documents decrease the counter.

Once the documents are approved (delivered/returned), they are no longer calculated in these columns (because usually stock documents are already generated).

004 aweb 2944 0ee9b
Availability: Warehouses, Deliveries

Integrations - Xpertis - REF field support for the order integration

In the integration with the Xpertis system, a mechanism has been added to support an additional REF (reference) field that enables unique detection of changes in the order list when analyzing documents coming from the previously mentioned ERP system. That facilitates pairing the unique records and correct updating of the order status.

Availability: Integrations

Importers - deliveries importer - contractor is not detected, character size is omitted

Due to the fact that a large part of the data imported into the system is entered by spreadsheets like Microsoft Excel, and these spreadsheets are created from different systems/manually, the data in them often have different representation of words (upper/lower case). Company/COMPANY/company in different sheets, referring to the same company. All importers from now on ignore upper/lower case notation when searching text fields. From now on, the record "COMPANY" in the sheet will correspond to the record "company" in the system.

Availability: Integrations

Service event states - several default states can be added

Currently, two service event states that have the default service event state flag set cannot be added. A corresponding message appears if you try to create a second state that is the default.

007 aweb 2947 90797
Availability: Service

Service events - the event definition format allows you to select only main resources (no subordinate ones)

If we have a defined resource structure in the form of a tree (subordinate resources), then in the service event display you can select all elements from now on - not only the main resources. In addition, a filter has been added to the resource display to show/hide subordinate resources.

008 aweb 2948 d3cc9
Figure 1. Service event definition
008 aweb 2948 a318a
Figure 2. Resource filter display with resource type filter (subordinate - yes/no)
Availability: Service

Element types - editor - the parameter list display does not sort parameters by name

The parameter editor display sorts the parameters by name.

009 aweb 2971 dbfb1

Work orders - "archive" action does not change the state to the opposite, no flag display in the editor

The archive action in the work order context menu changes the flag to the opposite. When the work order is archived it activates it. In addition, in the work order editor, the flag is visible and it is possible to edit it.

010 aweb 2957 551e2
010 aweb 2957 47068
Availability: Work orders

Supplier portal - adding a delivery - the possibility to edit/delete an item

The form for adding/editing a delivery has been modified in the supplier’s portal. Actions for delivery items and transport packages have been moved to the corresponding tabs. It has been made possible to edit items and delete them. The removal actions take into account the corresponding operations on the related serial numbers saved during the registration of the delivery.

011 aweb 2972 42e83
011 aweb 2972 906b4
Availability: Delivery

Warehouses - calculate quantities based on the warehouse documents

In the warehouse display, the option to recalculate the current number of items in the warehouse based on the warehouse documents has been added. In case there are any discrepancies, such an action will update the stock based on all the documents that are currently assigned to the storage location.

012 aweb 2978 bf453

Required permission: Warehouse accounting

Availability: Warehouses

Orders, Deliveries, Warehouse, Stocks - displaying decimal places depending on the type of unit (m, km, pcs, etc.)

All modules and displays concerning the orders, deliveries, warehouse and inventory areas have been enhanced to automatically adjust the quantity and precision of item measurements on a per-unit basis. Items counted in pieces will be represented as single integers throughout the interface and editors. Units such as meters will have a precision of 2 decimal places and units such as km will have a precision of 3 decimal places.

All displays include these changes and all edits. Delivery, loading checks handle this information and allow you to enter/edit according to the assumed accuracy.

013 aweb 2822 adfe8
Figure 3. An order display with elements with a km unit
013 aweb 2822 87708
Figure 4. Warehouse display with different assortment and units
Availability: Warehouses, Deliveries

PVD - supplier - modbus with RS bus support - Modbus RTU protocol

The PVD communication application has been extended to allow communication with devices connected via serial buses of the RS-232/RS-485 type using the Modbus-RTU protocol. That allows direct communication with all types of devices that have such communication capabilities (energy meters, frequency converters, etc.).

A detailed description of the application’s configuration can be found in its user/configuration manual.

014 aweb 2979 4723d
Figure 5. Example configuration of PVD application utilization. Programmable controller, energy meter with MODBUS-RTU interface, and hardware temperature sensors
Availability: Communication, PVD

Inspection Round/Inspection - creating a round/inspection sets them on by default

When creating a new inspection template or a round template, we enable this element by default.

015 aweb 2863 8bae4
015 aweb 2863 6235a
Availability: Inspection Rounds, Inspections

Inspection Rounds/Inspections - mobile - execution of a round, done by a dedicated button

The mobile view of the rounds and inspections has been slightly redesigned. Starting an inspection/round is accomplished by a dedicated button next to each such object. That makes it easier for beginners to start working with the application and at the same time prevents regular users from accidentally activating a particular inspection/round.

016 aweb 2861 c62f7
016 aweb 2861 25c91
Availability: Inspection Rounds, Inspections

Rounds - an option to add/execute rounds from the desktop view

The possibility to perform inspection rounds directly from the desktop view of the application has been added. In some cases this is required or expected, especially when recording rounds data linked with other IT systems when direct integration is not possible.

017 aweb 2841 251ea
017 aweb 2841 31610
Availability: Inspection Rounds

Resources - the possibility to add a location/group of products directly from the filter tree

In the resource display an option to create product groups and locations directly from the filter view has been added. Items there can be added directly from the resource level without leaving the display. That greatly simplifies the manual creation and addition of new resources and grouping them into structures.

018 aweb 2926 3bea7
Availability: Resources

PVD - iec-62056, modbus-rtu - an option to disable read delay for meters

For communication with energy meters (IEC-62056-21) and devices communicating via the MODBUS-RTU protocol, an additional option has been added to disable the default delay of readings from devices when there is no communication with them. By default, the PVD application in such a case, after several unsuccessful readings, begins to attempt readings much less frequently, so as not to occupy the bus on which other devices may be connected.

During diagnostics, such action may be unnecessary. Using the disableDelayForUnavailableDevices configuration option, this can be disabled during diagonostics/restart.

Availability: Communication, PVD

An inspection round - visual modifications of controls

The inspection rounds module has been extensively rebuilt in the visual layer. Editors of rounds definitions have been expanded and visually present data in a way that is easier to interpret and edit. Control descriptions have been added, information about each section has been added, and the way of viewing rounds path lists has been changed.

020 aweb 2864 1de0e
020 aweb 2864 fbef6
020 aweb 2864 91793
Availability: Inspection Rounds

Inspection Rounds - template definition - an option to add a new type of template

While defining the round, you can define a new template of the round (set of questions / measurements / tasks) directly from the round definition view.

021 aweb 2843 ea860
Availability: Inspection Rounds

An inspection round - template definition - the possibility to add a new action directly from the view

In the definition of an inspection round template, when we add a new step, we have the possibility to add new question/measurement/task templates, which we select during the definition of this step, directly from here. These items are automatically saved in the selected round template.

022 aweb 2862 ae2ee
Availability: Inspection Rounds

Desktop - Documents - Warehouse, Deliveries, Orders - a notification if we want to approve a document without the introduced assortment.

In the formats for creating new documents, such as order, delivery, and stock documents, an additional question appears if you try to save a document and the list of items is empty.

023 aweb 2961 d6753
Availability: Warehouses, Deliveries

PVD - modbus - configurable representation of words in LoHi/HiLo order

For modbus/modbus-rtu communication modules, an option has been added in the device definition to specify how to represent numeric values that occupy two registers (32 bits). The boolean flag useLoHiWordOrder defaults to false to allow changing the way bytes are arranged after reading two registers (32 bits).

When reading a DWORD (two registers), by default we use HiLo register alignment, that is, the highest byte first and then down to the lowest byte. With this option enabled, we use the reverse alignment BUT only for registers. That is, if we read bytes from TWO registers [A] [B] [C] [D] the HiLo alignment will be MSB [A] [B] [C] [D] LSB, while for LoHi alignment it will be MSB [C] [D] [A] [B] LSB.

Availability: Communication, PVD

Label generator - the possibility to edit an existing template from the generation view

The label generator in the first step of the creator allows you to edit an already saved template. That allows you to modify the template or customize the it for that particular printout.

025 aweb 2990 429e6
Availability: Resources

Supervision - message during the supervision initiation - detailed information

During manual initialization of supervision for types/categories if you have not selected any type/category for initialization, the application will show the corresponding message. To initialize, you need to select for which types/categories the system should perform such an operation.

026 aweb 2911 85456
Availability: Supervision

Supervision - cables - cable usage analyzer - an option to store cables' identifier rather than a name in the parameter

In the case of the cable usage report during cable supervision (specialized module), there is a possibility to indicate a parameter in the cable that stores information about the reel assigned (for example, by design) and a parameter in which we enter the reel used. From now on, we can indicate whether the parameter will store the name of the reel or its AMAGE ID (QR code scan). Depending on this choice, the system will search the database accordingly to generate this information.

027 aweb 2919 a821a
Availability: Supervision

Automations - automatic scheduler for initialization supervision, according to mapping configuration in GUI

An additional universal automaton has been added to initialize supervision based on the parameters defined in the application interface. The code of the new automaton is: supervision-universal-initializer and uses user-specified data in the interface instead of data hard-written in the automaton. The automaton allows the start of supervision for selected types/categories of types - globally throughout the application.

Details of how the machine works in the How to instructions in the help portal.

028 aweb 2967 0e86f
028 aweb 2967 0b0fd
The currently existing supervision-initializer automaton is still available. Refer to the user documentation to check the parameters and functions that these automations provide. Normally, you should use a universal automaton that takes into account the definitions specified in the user interface and is thus easier for system users to modify.
Availability: Supervision

Inspections - the possibility to check multiple inspections simultaneously

During the execution of the inspection check, we have the option to select multiple inspections at once in the list. Each inspection will be invoked one by one with the inspection acceptance dialog box.

029 aweb 2984 1dc47
Availability: Inspections

Inspections - no need to select a work order when verifying the inspection - set with the inspection

From this version, the definition of the person responsible for checking the inspection has been changed. Previously, it resulted from the person assigned as a checker to the work order. From now on, each inspection (execution) has the possibility to directly assign a person responsible for checking. When scheduling the execution of this inspection, we can do this by indicating a specific individual or indicating ourselves by selecting the Self button

030 aweb 2842 d0db4
030 aweb 2842 33b5d
Availability: Inspections

Rounds template - filter tasks by a selected resource

In the rounds template definition view, the ability to filter the rounds steps by the selected device has appeared. That allows you to select a device from the list and track whether all steps have been defined for it.

031 aweb 2815 fcf6e
Availability: Inspection Rounds

Rounds template - duplicating the question/measure set for another device

When creating a round template, we have the possibility to copy a set of rounding activities from one selected device to a new device/resource. That allows us to quickly duplicate an already prepared set of measurement questions in case we have several devices of the same type in the round path.

032 aweb 2817 96136
Availability: Inspection Rounds

Security - implementation of a new user authorization service - Active Directory Authorization provider

The system has been extended with an option to support users' authorization using the Microsoft® Active Directory service. Using the On-Premises version of the system configuration, users' authorization can be configured using this authorization mechanism.

Authorization using Microsoft Azure OAuth/Active Directory have existed for some time now. The authorization mentioned here applies to systems running on dedicated/client’s infrastructure in the On-Premises model.
Availability: Core

Resources - parameter data export in MODBUS-RTU format

Due to the availability of the Modbus-RTU communication module in the PVD application, the Modbus-RTU format has been added to the export of resource parameters in addition to the Modbus-TCP format.

034 aweb 3014 62688
Availability: Resources

Parameter templates - change of the visual display

The parameter templates display has been modified. The list display has been changed to a more compact one, editor and description displays have been expanded.

Parameter templates allow you to specify a template for a list of parameters, which can then be assigned for the selected type of items (assortment). That makes it easier to create a new assortment and define a set of standard parameters for them.

For example, we have defined a parameter template for the device "frequency converters" Usually, these parameters are the same for many devices from different manufacturers. By defining the parameters in the template, we can create new types of frequency converters, and we do not have to enter the same parameters once again in the type. Just select our created set of parameters from the template list, and the system will copy them to the new type.

035 aweb 3034 bece9
Availability: Resources

Contractor - details - information about data access via the portal

Contractor details regarding access to the Customer/Delivery/Subcontractor portal are displayed from now on in an additional tab in the Contractor details view.

036 aweb 3004 cc8e5
Availability: General

Portal - dedicated general interface of the portal (supplier, subcontractor, customer)

A universal portal for communication with contractors has been released. Currently, the functionality will include both the existing function of the supplier’s portal and will also be expanded to include other areas of communication.

037 aweb 3012 35371
Availability: Integrations

Schedulers - graphical editor of scheduler parameters

The editor of automations that perform background work and activities in the system has been expanded and made easier to use.

  • The editor has been redesigned, and new fields have been added to explain specific options

  • a link to direct help for a specific type of automaton has been added - the user, without leaving the editor, can view contextual help regarding a particular automaton

  • The parameter editor has been expanded to include a visual editor. Previously, the parameters required independent configuration and in the case of large data, editing is difficult. The editor now shows individual elements as separate edit fields. The ability to color syntax with Markdown code has been added for content formatting.

  • in addition, you can display the given edit field in the code editor, which facilitates the creation of more advanced views and content. In addition, this editor has the ability to generate text exactly as it will appear in emails and messages sent to users. That makes it easier to verify that the data is entered correctly.

038 aweb 3028 f42dd
Figure 6. Editor of general information of the automation
038 aweb 3028 bc8e1
Figure 7. Contextual help
038 aweb 3028 4d028
Figure 8. Visual editor for parameters
038 aweb 3028 79655
Figure 9. Full-screen editor with text coloring
038 aweb 3028 1154c
Figure 10. Preview of the final text’s look
Availability: Integrations

Energy/Environment - notification about events - detailed descriptions in email

In terms of production parameter events, the description in email communication has been expanded. The information for users, designated for notifications, when an event is entered, it is sent with additional information that specifies the date and time of the event entry and the reporting person.

Availability: Production

Parameters - the possibility to edit parameters collectively for the resource - removal to/from date, modification of values

Parameters in resources can store any information. Each type of resource allows you to define parameters, which can then be personalized for each resource. Each such parameter also stores its history can be both manual edits (additional records created, for example, during inspections) and data downloaded directly from the devices. This data can then be displayed in history and charts.

Sometimes we need to modify the parameter history. Maybe the measurement data (devices, integrations, PVD configuration) was incorrect, and the data stored in the parameter history is inaccurate. Or it could be that the data recorded has the wrong value/scale due to misinterpretation of, for example, the communication protocol.

This function allows you to edit parameter history. It is available in the resource display as well as when viewing the history of a specific parameter.

040 aweb 3030 b3053
040 aweb 3030 8a162

After invoking this action, we have the option:

  • defining the date range in which the operation will be performed

  • an action such as removal of history records

  • action of setting the same value in history for each historical record

  • action of changing the value of a parameter through mathematical operations. We can use this action to change the value as we wish. Entering {value}*100 will multiply each record in the history by 100.

040 aweb 3030 99f52
Availability: Resources

Orders and deliveries display - summary with information about the weight of visible records

In the orders/supplies display, additional information regarding the weight of visible orders/supplies has been added in the summary.

041 web 3025 22560
Availability: Delivery

Orders and deliveries display - summary with information about the weight of visible records

In the orders/supplies display, additional information regarding the weight of visible orders/supplies has been added in the summary.

041 web 3025 22560
Availability: Delivery

Element types - an action to set parameters from parameter template (multiple types)

In the context menu of element types, definable parameters can be modified by selecting new parameters from predefined parameter templates. The system allows you to replace existing parameters in types (and related resources) or add them as new, additional parameters.

042 aweb 3033 6be7c
042 aweb 3033 3d153
Selecting the replace option will delete the definition of parameters AND the properties of these parameters in the resources associated to the type (with all their history!).
Availability: Resources

Element types - go to the resources from the context menu list

In the summary view of item types, you can go directly to the resources of a given type. You can either open a pop-up window with these resources or you can go to the resource view with such a filter already created.

043 aweb 3055 e0c44
Availability: Resources

Orders, Deliveries, Warehouse documents - an option to clear the generation of the document’s number

Order, delivery, and warehouse document editors in the Desktop interface now have the option to clear the document number generation option automatically from the counter. When you select the "Manual" option, the system will allow you to enter/modify the document number even if the document previously received the number automatically from the counter.

044 aweb 3056 b1862
Availability: Delivery