Introduction to examples


AMAGE Shell - Azure AD connection setup

The document describes how the AMAGE Shell application communicates during authorization with external Microsoft Azure AD (Active Directory) authorization servers when the user profile has additional security established for the company profile and device verification through Microsoft Intune.

Automatic user login

The document describes how to automatically authorize a user to enable the AMAGE system as a visualization panel in the conference room. The goal is to provide all conference room users with access to the system visualization and access to some of the data e.g. list of contracts and appointments. Such functionality must be made available without the need to log in to the system but with full privilege verification.

Authorization - Configuring Azure Entra ID for AMAGE system authorization

The document describes the authorization and configuration mechanism of the Microsof Entra ID system to authorize AMAGE system users using the central Active Directory/Entra ID user mechanism.

Adding a new user

The document describes the mechanism of creating new users in the system and explains the options and functions of authentication mechanisms. Each user in the system must have an account. We log in to the system using the login identifier (login). The remaining data in the user definition allow you to define access mechanisms and places to which the user has access. In this document, we explain the authorization mechanism, the different types of users, and the functions that allow you to determine the level of access for each of them.

Configuration of access to the application with the use of profiles

The document describes the management of access to system functions based on a definable list of permissions.