AMAGE Portals
AMAGE Portals are a separate part of the AMAGE system available without the need to log it in/create users in the system. This is used to make information from the system available to external parties or to obtain data from those parties.
Usually access to portals is generated automatically by the main system, e.g. by sending an email with the appropriate address. In order to access the selected part, it is required to have the appropriate token (secret key), which allows you to execute/access certain information.
Portals have limited functionality and can only perform the necessary range of actions for a certain functionality. For example, if a user gets a token/password for an order then he/she can only perform actions involving that order such as: confirmation of the date, declaration of delivery. Through such a mechanism it is NOT possible to access the full version of the system ! |
Available portals:
- Supplier Portal
A portal that allows access for the delivery area. Through this portal we can provide an external supplier with a place to declare deliveries, handle service events, which we will create inside the system. Sometimes it is required to provide such data through the Portal, because the Supplier does not have the ability to automatically integrate via EDI documenta. It is through such a Portal that it has the ability to transfer information directly inside the AMAGE system.
- Subcontractor Portal
Portal that realizes access for subcontractors. Usually the system supports one company. Sometimes it is a general contractor or a company for which other legal entities perform activities. Sometimes it is required to register tasks/work orders, perform maintenance/maintenance activities by external companies, e.g. perform inspections, confirm the execution of activities, or access to LOTO (LockOut/TagOut) procedures or the work permit log. Through the Subcontractor Portal, we have the ability to make these activities available to external contractors on a one-time basis.
- Customer Portal
Portal allowing access to separate parts of the system for the customer of the main user of the AMAGE system. The system can be used by companies that carry out activities such as service work, inspections for external entities (their own customers). Through the Customer Portal, they can provide electronic access to register service requests, defects, or provide access to the progress of work performed (e.g. service work, inspections)