Versions 1.26
Entries for the event table Event - integration messages
Leases - detail view in the order - information on invoice costs divided by type \(transport, project, etc.\)
Warehouses - warehouse document - ability to add a comment to the history record and a new history record of the 'comment' type
Leases - change in the way lease values are presented - static from data in the database, serviced in the importer
Warehouse - balancing of elements - adding information to the created transfer documents that result from balancing
Importers - selection of files from the attachment archive
Work permits - modifications of functions
Production parameters - additional description of the item
Schedules - PDF report - sorting the list of employees by team and role
Reports - modification of the default AMAGE Systems logo
Schedules - corrections and improvements
Schedules - detailed permissions
Integrations - PERI - support for data format with account identification in elements + compatibility with the old format
Attachments - built-in browsers for html/txt files
AWEB-2478 Show comparison of material collection/consumption per employee based on work order register
AWEB-2820 Resources - Ability to add items to an existing order instead of creating a new order
AWEB-3105 Hazardous Work Permit Module
AWEB-3157 Supplier portal - access to order conditions directly in the application
AWEB-3245 Libs - adding library to LocalDate/Time render
AWEB-3427 Invite users - indicate which permissions a user (profiles) should have
AWEB-3640 Service events - additional statistics - by. departments, types, type categories
AWEB-3641 Service events - pareto chart
AWEB-3730 Employee Schedule - Scheduling shifts/employee shift attendance
AWEB-3731 Production parameters - filtering parameters for integration with weighing systems
AWEB-3732 Production parameter plans - summary view in analytical form
AWEB-3733 Periodic analyzes - modifications to data view and presentation
AWEB-3734 Employee view - work schedule detail view
AWEB-3788 Periodic analyzes - module name changed to Emission Monitoring
AWEB-3799 Production parameters - clone operation of existing parameter
AWEB-3802 File uploading - improved interface and responsiveness
AWEB-3804 Integrations - GSW - filter modifications for key data
AWEB-3805 Schedules - definition of employees who are subject to a schedule
AWEB-3809 Files - bulk export of attachments
AWEB-3811 Appearance - background colors for table cells - more pastel colors
AWEB-3814 Logs - ability to archive logs
AWEB-3816 Perf - measurements, parameters - use of native sequences for data recording
AWEB-3818 Safety - work permits - print/download all related attachments
AWEB-3822 Attachments - Print list of PDF attachments
AWEB-3823 Documentation - As-built documentation generator
AWEB-3826 Integrations - PERI - support for data integration with transport packages and supply aggregation
AWEB-3828 Employee Schedules - Schedule Report
AWEB-3830 Supervision - state registration dialog - indication whether the state has already been reported \+ history
AWEB-3831 Contract, Contract scope - removal of connection with costs/invoices. Work orders cover this.
AWEB-3836 Work orders - mobile - ability to report material consumption without connection with a change in order status
AWEB-3839 Leases - Lease reports only for unarchived projects
AWEB-3840 Integrations - file importer - support for importing files to elements of orders, deliveries, documents. warehouse
AWEB-3841 Emission monitoring - collective notification of dates and plans
AWEB-3843 Identification of records for the list of document elements - orders, deliveries, warehouse, invoice
AWEB-3844 Importers - element types - support for parametric flags in updating records during import
AWEB-3851 Employee schedules - schedule report with background coloring
AWEB-3854 Importers - Supplies Importer, doc. warehouses with support for element parameters
AWEB-3855 Schedules - balance - view of people for a given role in the schedule
AWEB-3856 Importers - delivery importer - ID support for delivery items
AWEB-3857 Attachments - adding files from the archive to resources, types, etc. File selector from the archive
AWEB-3861 Warehouses - change in the method of calculating material quantities based on documents
Error in the program
AWEB-1953 Resource importer - exception instead of message on S/N \+ type existing
AWEB-3815 Supervision - summary view - definable columns do not save their position
AWEB-3838 Shell - Numeric controls do not display programmatically entered data
AWEB-3846 ZIP unpacking with non-UTF-8 file encoding - MALFORMED error
AWEB-3848 Importers - file missing error on import operations with undo progress steps