Automatic user login


The document describes how to automatically authorize a user to enable the AMAGE system as a visualization panel in the conference room. The goal is to give all conference room users access to the system visualization and access to some of the data, e.g., a list of contracts and appointments.

Such a functionality must be made available without logging into the system but with full verification of authorizations.

To do this you need to:

  • Generate an API key with a long enough activity time

  • Create a user

  • Create an access profile with the required permissions and associate it with a user

  • On the selected web browser on the target computer, perform the identification pairing procedure

Details of the various windows, interface and basic operations are described in the user documentation.

Login API Definition (keys)

We define the API key. The API key must have an expiration date as long as we want to maintain automatic access. This means that if we disable the key’s activity, automatic login will also not work.

We add the key and confirm the operations.

api klucz definicja
Figure 1. API key definition and user association

Definition of the user and permissions

Add a user to the system. That MUST be a user who is not a super-administrator. Such users are not allowed to be used in automatic login functions due to bypassing the authorization process with access profiles for these users.

dane uzytkownika 1
Figure 2. User Definition - Master Data

We give the user basic privileges and mark him as a local user with access to the selected section of the system.

dane uzytkownika 2
Figure 3. Definition of the user - permissions

Definition of permissions

We define a dedicated (so best) access profile, only for users with these permissions.

profil 1
Figure 4. Access profile definition

In permissions, we assign only those that are necessary for the selected functionality, e.g., read-only/access to dashboards.

profil funkcje
Figure 5. Access profile functions

We assign a profile to the selected user. We do not assign any other permissions to the user.

profil uzytkownika
Figure 6. Associating permissions with a user

Browser pairing

In the definition of the API key that we intend to use (first screen), we assign the newly added user to a given key in the user auto-login section.

Go to the computer/browser on which we want to enable automatic login. We log in using a user who has access to API key definitions. We select the key and press the Authorize button. The system will be redirected to the website address with completed data regarding the token’s UUID, key and secret (defined for a given API key). Select the Authorize button and confirm the operation.

apiaccess a6a32
Figure 7. Browser pairing

The system saves encrypted access rights to the system in the cookies of a given browser. From now on, each time you log into the system on this device/browser, they will be used for the login procedure, skipping the login window.

Everything done. You can use this functionality :)

The Howto is based on system version (03.2022) and presents features that may not be available in your system. Ask AMAGE about making this functionality available.
Due to the ongoing development of the system, some screens or configuration files may look slightly different, but will still retain the full functionality described here. This does not affect the essential functions described in this document.