Service Reports
Service events report
The service events report is a general report displaying a list of service events.
Original file name:
Report UUID: c9b17ea9-da41-4aaa-9772-053e369bc2d5
The input file for the application is a file with the extension
Report input configuration
String productUuid - UUID of the product for which events are reported String elementGroupUuid - UUID of the group of elements String elementUuid - UUID of the element String userUuid - UUID of the user who reported the event String typeUuidList - UUID list of the service event type. PIPE separator (|) String stateUuidList - UUID list of service event state. PIPE separator (|) String elementTypeUuid - UUID of the element type DateFields dateFields - ALL, TODAY, YESTERDAY, TOMORROW, THIS_WEEK, LAST_WEEK, NEXT_WEEK, THIS_MONTH, LAST_MONTH, THIS_YEAR, LAST_YEAR - date selector boolean specificDate - whether a specific date of creation of events is defined Date dateFrom - specified date From Date dateTo - specified date To String limitToName - NONE, ONLY_PRODUCT_EVENTS, ONLY_ELEMENT_EVENTS - limit only to events of a specific source (products, elements) boolean children - show object events (e.g. product) and sub-events
The fields for a single service request record are the same as for the service request detail report. Refer to the documentation of this report for details.
Service notes report
The Service Notes Report is an overview report that displays a list of Service Notes written by a given user.
Original file name:
Report UUID: f317d96d-3564-484f-9279-3ea6819902ad
The input file for the application is a file with the extension
Report input configuration
String userUuid - UUID of the user who created the note
String type - TEXT, SPEECH, AUDIO, PHOTO, BINARY - file type
String locationUuid - UUID of the location
String mobileUuid - UUID of the mobile device from which the event was reported
String description - event description content
boolean specificDate - whether a specific event creation date is defined
Date dateFrom - specified date From
Date dateTo - specified To date
name | description | type |
date |
displays the creation date of the service note |
date |
type |
shows what type of note it is |
string |
user |
shows who created the note |
string |
location |
displays information on where the service note was created |
string |
device |
displays information on which device the note was taken from |
string |
text |
displays the user’s summary (comment). |
string |
Detailed service event report
The detailed service event report is a general report that displays detailed information about the service event. The report can be generated only after creating a service event. The report consists of subreports: notes, comments, attachments.
Original file name:
Report UUID: ca24bdb9-d02a-44a6-962a-658388157a43
The input file for the application is a file with the extension
name | description | type |
concerns |
displays the text of what the service event is about |
string |
number |
displays the service event number |
long |
type |
shows the type of service event |
string |
state |
displays the status of the service event |
string |
created, date |
displays the date when the service event was created |
date |
lastChange |
displays the date of the last change |
date |
submitter |
displays the submitter’s username |
string |
submitter_position |
The position of the reporting person |
string |
device |
Shows the device name if the service event was created on a mobile device |
string |
product |
displays the name of the product to which the service event has been assignede |
string |
element |
displays the name of the item |
string |
element_type |
displays the item type |
string |
elementgroup |
displays the name of the item group |
string |
elementgroup_type |
displays the item group type |
string |
identifier |
displays the identifier that was read when creating the event |
string |
location |
displays the location assigned to the service event |
string |
ds_comments |
datasource object, contains subreport information (data) to be displayed in the main report |
objects |
ds_notes |
datasource object, contains subreport information (data) to be displayed in the main report |
objects |
ds_attachments |
datasource object, contains subreport information (data) to be displayed in the main report |
objects |
ds_serviceitemexpenditures |
datasource object, contains subreport information (data) about services attached to the report |
objects |
ds_warehouseexpenditures |
datasource object, contains information (data) of the subreport about downloads from the warehouse attached to the report |
objects |
notes_img |
Check icon if the ticket has service notes |
java.awt.Image |
description |
displays description, user’s comment to the service event |
string |
product_type |
displays the product type |
string |
assigned |
shows the user assigned to the current service event |
string |
assigned_position |
assigned position |
string |
resolution_date |
displays the date of resolution of the service event |
date |
object_type |
object type name |
string |
object_type_order_number |
object ordering number name |
string |
object_date_of_production |
date of production |
date |
object_date_of_commisioning |
implementation date |
date |
object_serial_number |
Serial number |
string |
object_location_merge |
location tree <root> - <loc1> - <loc2> … |
string |
contract |
Agreement/contract number |
string |
protocol_number |
protocol number using the report counter |
string |
customer_name |
Customer name |
string |
customer_address |
address <street, zip code, city> |
string |
customer_tax_number |
tax number <NIP> |
string |
customer_contact_name |
applicant’s name |
string |
customer_representative_name |
the name of the responsible person on the client’s side |
string |
customer_contact_phone |
caller’s phone number |
string |
customer_order_number |
customer order number |
string |
internal_order_number |
internal order number |
string |
event_source |
report source |
string |
img_type |
image (icon) of the selected service event type |
java.awt.Image |
img_state |
image (icon) of the current state of the service event |
java.awt.Image |
inventory_object |
returns the name of the inventory object attached to the notification |
string |
public_access |
whether the event is public (accessible through the portal) |
boolean |
serviceitem_total_cost |
Sum of service costs |
BigDecimal |
warehouse_total_cost |
The sum of the costs of materials picked from the warehouse |
BigDecimal |
notes_count |
number of notes |
integer |
root_product_name |
the name of the parent product, the object to which the event belongs |
String |
parameter_* |
any parameter. The parameter name must be placed exactly as it is in the object type. Search in all parent objects on the path Item → Item Group → Product |
string |
person_state_* |
Provides information about the last person (name and surname) who changed the status to the one specified in the parameter. The state name must be exactly as defined in the system’s dictionary definitions |
string |
date_state_* |
Provides information about the last date of state change to the one specified in the parameter. The state name must be exactly as defined in the system’s dictionary definitions |
date |
serviceitem_total_cost_<CODE> |
Cost (quantity * value) of all <CODE> services |
BigDecimal |
serviceitem_total_count_<CODE> |
Number of all <CODE> services |
BigDecimal |
name | description | type |
imgSignatureWorker |
image of caption doing work from event comments |
java.awt.Image |
imgSignatureChecker |
an image of a caption reviewing work from event comments |
java.awt.Image |
imgSignatureContractor |
customer signature image from event comments |
java.awt.Image |
name | description | type |
filetype |
displays the type of attached file |
string |
filename |
displays the file name |
string |
filesize |
shows file size in bytes |
long |
date |
displays the file attachment date |
date |
name | description | type |
timestamp |
comment creation date |
date |
user |
I show the name of the user who added the comment |
string |
message |
displays the content of the comment |
string |
public |
whether the comment is public |
boolean |
Service Notes
The notes subreport has its own "note attachments" subreport, which retrieves all attachments placed in that note.
name | description | type |
noteType |
displays the service note type |
string |
date |
shows the creation date of the service note |
date |
user |
displays the name of the user who created the service note |
string |
attachmentCount |
displays the number of attachments attached to the service note |
integer |
ds_attachments |
shows the contents of the "attachments to notes" sub-report |
objects |
Attachments to notes
name | description | type |
filetype |
displays the type of attached file |
string |
filename |
displays the file name |
string |
filesize |
shows file size in bytes |
long |
date |
displays the file attachment date |
date |
Completed services
name | description | type |
name |
name of service |
string |
code |
service code |
string |
type |
service type |
string |
unit_price |
unit price of the service |
BigDecimal |
item_count |
quantity |
BigDecimal |
item_price |
the price of the service entered |
BigDecimal |
supplier |
supplier |
string |
document |
document |
string |
description |
description |
string |
Storage picks
name | description | type |
producer |
Item manufacturer |
string |
name |
name of the element |
string |
item_order_number |
Type Ordering Number |
string |
item_warehouse_index |
stock index |
string |
state |
item status (billed, unbilled) |
string |
unit_price |
unit price |
BigDecimal |
item_count |
quantity taken |
BigDecimal |
item_unit |
unit of measure |
string |
Reporting time difference report
The report allows you to display the time differences between the reporting of individual states.
Original file name: ServiceEventsTimeDiff.jasper
Report UUID: 29c33c90-c1bc-4e5e-98d2-03f010e4cdff
The input file for the application is a file with the extension
Report input configuration
String stateStartUuid - UUID of the initial state of the service event
String stateEndUuid - UUID of the final state of the service event
boolean specificDate - whether a specific date is defined
Date dateFrom - specified date From
Date dateTo - specified To date
name | description | type |
number |
event number |
long |
concerns |
which resource the event applies to |
string |
date_start |
date of first event |
date |
date_end |
date of the second event |
date |
duration |
time difference |
Duration |
duration_text |
textual time difference in the form HHH:mm:SS |
string |
duration_sum |
sum of times in text form HHH:mm:SS |
string |
duration_avg |
average of times in HHH:mm:SS format |
string |
Service protocol report
Service Protocol Report. Report for a single log record. Generated at the user’s request or by automatic systems. The input parameter is the service protocol object.
Original file name:
Report UUID: 702d6c40-c44b-4721-b8a1-82a197a6dddb
The input file for the application is a file with the extension
Report input configuration
boolean hideWarehouseExpenditure - hide the warehouse releases section boolean hideServiceItemExpenditure - hide the performed services section boolean hideParticipants - hide the service participants section UUID serviceProtocolUuid - UUID of the service protocol to be displayed
name | description | type |
customer_name |
Customer name |
string |
customer_place |
Customer location |
string |
customer_contact_name |
Name and surname of the contact person (representative) |
string |
customer_contact_phone |
Telephone to the contact person (representative) |
string |
customer_additional_info |
Description in the customer field |
string |
service_reporter_name |
Name and surname of the reporting person (reporting person) |
string |
service_event_type |
Service request type |
string |
service_time_registered |
Whether the time is recorded |
boolean |
service_start_hour |
Service start date |
date |
service_end_hour |
Service end date |
date |
service_contract_number |
Contract number |
string |
service_order_number |
Order number |
string |
service_event_source |
Service request source |
string |
product_name |
Product name |
string |
product_serial_number |
product serial number |
string |
product_info |
Product note |
string |
element_name |
name of the element |
string |
element_info |
Item note |
string |
element_serial_number |
item serial number |
string |
protocol_number |
service protocol number |
string |
protocol_text |
text - description - service log |
string |
created_by |
Name and surname of the person creating the protocol |
string |
created_by_position |
Position of the person creating the protocol |
string |
accepted_by |
Name and surname of the contact person (representative) and if there is no reporting person |
string |
stamp |
Protocol creation date |
date |
protocol_part_status_taken |
Flag - parts taken |
boolean |
protocol_part_status_left |
Flag - parts left |
boolean |
protocol_part_status_notapplicable |
Flag - N/A |
boolean |
protocol_service_type_warranty |
Flag - guarantee |
boolean |
protocol_service_type_post_warranty |
Flag - post-warranty |
boolean |
protocol_service_type_cooperative |
Flag - cooperation |
boolean |
protocol_service_type_paid |
Flag - paid |
boolean |
protocol_service_type_free |
Flag - free |
boolean |
dangerous_situation |
Dangerous situation |
boolean |
dangerous_situation_text |
Description of the dangerous situation |
string |
executed_correctly |
Done right |
boolean |
cost_type_direct |
Costs entered directly |
boolean |
cost_type_byagreement |
Costs as agreed (contract) |
boolean |
cost_type_todetermine |
Costs to be determined (later) |
boolean |
manhour_count |
Number of man-hours |
BigDecimal |
manhour_unit_cost |
Price per hr |
BigDecimal |
parts_cost |
Price for parts |
BigDecimal |
drive_length |
Ride length |
BigDecimal |
drive_length_unit_cost |
Price per driving unit |
BigDecimal |
ds_participants |
DataSource for participants (y/n) |
objects |
ds_warehouseexpenditures |
DataSource for releases from the warehouse (y/n) |
objects |
ds_serviceitemexpenditures |
DataSource for services (as below) |
objects |
name | description | type |
imgSignatureCreatedBy |
Signature of the person creating the protocol |
image |
imgSignatureAcceptedBy |
Signature of the person accepting the protocol |
image |
Data source ds_participants
name | description | type |
first_name |
Name |
string |
last_name |
Name |
string |
login |
Login |
string |
position |
Position |
string |
string |
telephone |
Telephone |
string |
contractor_name |
The name of the contractor assigned to the employeea |
string |
Material consumption
Data source ds_warehouseexpenditure
name | description | type |
timestamp |
Date & time of issue of the item |
string |
user |
Retrieving user |
string |
item_type |
Item type |
string |
item_order_number |
Type Ordering Number |
string |
item_warehouse_index |
stock index |
string |
item_manufacturer |
Item manufacturer |
string |
item_count |
quantity taken |
BigDecimal |
item_unit_price |
unit price |
BigDecimal |
item_settled |
Whether settled with a warehouse document |
boolean |
serial_number |
Serial numbers |
string |
Data source ds_serviceitemexpenditure
name | description | type |
name |
name of service |
string |
is_enumerated |
or calculation service |
boolean |
is_descriptive |
or descriptive service |
boolean |
code |
service code |
string |
description |
service description |
string |
item_unit |
unit |
string |
item_unit_price |
unit price |
BigDecimal |
item_count |
quantity |
BigDecimal |
timestamp |
Creation date & time |
string |
user_fullname |
the name of the person creating the record |
string |
item_price |
price of the service |
BigDecimal |
supplier |
supplier |
string |
document |
document |
string |
item_description |
description |
string |