

The scope of supervision and settlement of minor equipment rentals allows you to carry out supervision and execution of all functions related to the monitoring of equipment rentals among employees/subcontractors and manage the settlement of rentals executed at suppliers.

The system allows for two rental options:

  • Rental of small devices from a supplier - carried out in the form of agreements with companies leasing small devices. The system allows for tracking deliveries, returns, financial settlements and monitoring the condition of devices during the rental.

  • Internal rental of small devices - implemented in the form of internal agreements between employees/subcontractors. The system allows for tracking internal rental, transferring devices between employees, financial settlements and monitoring the condition of devices during the rental.

This documentation presents more extensive information about the area of small equipment rental in the system. The version for internal rental has a main view of the equipment and a simplified view of the details.

Actions related to this area are available in the main menu in the 'Equipment' section. Available actions:

  • Equipment - list of minor devices and their operations

  • Dashboard - visualization dashboard

  • Supplies - list of leases against the supplier

  • Leases - list of internal leases (employees, subcontractors)

  • Settlement - lease settlements for individual suppliers

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Figure 1. Menu
In the system, for the areas of minor equipment rentals, financial settlements are divided into two areas. The first area is the rental billing of a particular device to a supplier (leasing company). This allows tracking the cost and billing of the rental for each supplier separately on a monthly basis. Billing begins with the order/delivery of equipment from the supplier and ends with the return of the equipment to the supplier. The second area is accounting for rentals to employees/departments/subcontractors (internal). Usually, the first internal rental begins when the delivery of equipment from the supplier is accepted. Employees can internally transfer equipment among themselves so for one external lease there can be multiple internal (employee) leases.


The dashboard for the minor equipment rental area presents overview information on leases in progress and billing information.

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Figure 2. Dashboard

Information presented:

  • Statistics - information on active solicitations, orders, deliveries

  • Pie charts of statistics of active equipment leases against supplier and against equipment category

  • Charts and billing indicators - information on costs and billing against individual suppliers

Urządzenia drobne/Wyposażenie

When the 'Equipment' action is selected, the user is presented with a view of all minor equipment/equipment that is used in the lease and rental tracking process. By default, a list view is presented with only active equipment visible, i.e. equipment that is currently in use at the construction site/plant.

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Figure 3. List
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Figure 4. List with internal billing version

The view has additional filters and searches that allow it to display, among other things, historical devices, i.e., those that were available as rental devices inside the organization, but have already been given to the leasing company. This approach allows all devices to be shown in a historical context.

After selecting any device, we go to the details view. The view is divided into two parts. In the upper part, you will find details of the device such as type, serial number, supplier, comments, etc.

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Figure 5. Details
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Figure 6. Lease details for internal settlement

The lower part presents information related to the device in the form of lists and tables. Available details:

  • Rentals by supplier - a list of rentals of a particular small appliance billed to the supplier - all rentals (including historical ones) related to that appliance

  • Hires by user - list of hires accounted for internally - all employee/subcontractor hires during active supplier hires

  • Settlements by supplier - settlements of leases (costs) against the supplier on a monthly basis

  • Settlements by user - rental settlements (costs) against employee/subcontractor on a monthly basis

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Figure 7. Details - rentals by user

Using the "Rent" button we can rent a device directly from this view.

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Figure 8. Rental View

We provide basic information about the tenant, the expected return date. After completing the form, the lease is activated.

Stany wyposażenia

System pozwala na śledzenie stanów urządzeń drobnych w trakcie najmu. Stan urządzenia może być zdefiniowany w menu kontekstowym modułu. Po wybraniu akcji Konfiguraja - Stany wyświetlana jest lista stanów wyposażenia. Można dodać nowe stany, edytować istniejące oraz usuwać niepotrzebne.

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Figure 9. Lista stanów

Definicja stanu pozwala na określenie jego nazwy, opisu, ikony, określi dozwolone przejścia. Za pomocą zakładki Wizualne mamy możliwość określenia koloru tła danego stanu. Zakładka Bezpieczeństwo pozwala na określenie uprawnień do zmiany na podany stan.

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Figure 10. Edytor definicji stanu

Stany po ich zdefiniowaniu, możemy użyć w widoku wyposażenia. Menu kontekstowe urządzenia pozwala na zmianę stanu urządzenia. Po wybraniu akcji Zmień stan wyświetlana jest lista dostępnych stanów. Po wybraniu stanu i zatwierdzeniu system zmienia stan urządzenia.

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Figure 11. Akcja zmiany stanów

Historia wyposażenia

Historia wyposażenia to dodatkowe możliwości pozwalające na lokalną realizację zapisów historii przeglądów, kalibracji i legalizacji. Uproszczony sposób pozwala na zapis informacji o zrealizowanych czynnościach bezpośrednio w module, bez konieczności wdrażania integracji z modułem Inspekcji. Ułatwia to prowadzenie historii dla przypadków, które nie wymagają zaawansowanych możliwości modułu inspekcyjnego.

Widok szczegółów wyposażenia posiada zakładkę Historia, która identyfikuje wszystkie takie wpisy. Po wybraniu przycisku Dodaj przechodzimy do formularza wprowadzania danych dotyczących historii.

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Figure 12. Historia

Za pomocą formularza określamy akcję - notatka, operacja legalizacji, operacja kalibracji lub przedłużenie ważności. Możemy wypełnić dodatkowe pola, które będą zapisane w historii oraz zaktualizują główne pola wyposażania.

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Figure 13. Definicja wpisu historii

Możemy za pomocą tych operacji również dodać załączniki np. certyfikaty badań lub informacje dodatkowe.

Uprawnienia dostępu do rekordów

Moduł wyposażenia posiada dodatkową funkcjonalność, tożsamą z uprawnieniami dla modułu zdarzeń serwisowych, która pozwala na określenie widoczności rekordów wyposażenia w zależności od nadanych uprawnień. Okno dialogowe dostępne jest w widoku wyposażenia w menu kontekstowym.

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Figure 14. Dostęp do definicji i konfiguracji uprawnień

Za pomocą tego okna mamy możliwość włączenia aktywności tych ograniczeń oraz wyboru osób, które trafiają do trzech grup:

  • Administratorzy - widzą wszystkie zapisy

  • Widzę swoje i swojego wydziału - widoczność wyposażenia przypisanego do mnie i do pracowników mojego wydziału

  • Widzę tylko swoje - widoczność wyposażenia przypisanego do mnie

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Figure 15. Edycja uprawnień
Widoczność bazuje na przypisaniu danego wyposażenia do pracownika w polach Właściciel oraz Posiadacz. Na podstawie tych pól określany jest dostęp i widoczność rekordów.

Billing to users

The interface for managing the view of minor equipment rental billing data against internal users (employees, subcontractors) allows you to display information on active internal rental billing. When an action is selected, a list in the form of a table is presented with information on currently ongoing internal leases.

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Figure 16. List

By filtering, we can search for leases of specific equipment and view historical leases (i.e., those that have already ended). Selecting any record takes us to the details view of such a lease.

The details view is divided into two parts. In the upper one, you will find the details of a particular lease, i.e. what the lease is for, the device, serial number, return start and end dates, and cost center.

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Figure 17. Details

At the bottom are lists and tables of data associated with a particular lease. Available views:

  • Details of rental billing to the employee/subcontractor - shows information on rental billing by month, cost and billing days.

Settlements with the supplier

The interface for monitoring leases against a supplier (external) allows you to monitor all active (and historical) leases executed with a supplier. Selecting this action presents a list of all active leases.

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Figure 18. List

By filtering, we can also show historical leases, i.e. those that have already ended. After selecting a specific lease, we go to the details view.

The details view is divided into two parts. In the upper one, you will find details about the device in question, its supplier, start and end dates of the lease, etc.

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Figure 19. Details

In the lower part there is additional information and grouping of other data. In this view, we present a list of rental billing for a particular device on a monthly basis. The list will contain detailed information about the billing period, dates, calculation of calendar/billing days and related costs.


The action takes the user to the view of the billing interface for supplier companies. Allows you to generate and view detailed financial settlements.

The system, during the start of the lease against the supplier and internal leases, records only time information - the start/end of the lease. Settlements with rental companies are made on a monthly basis. The system allows to settle the leases in such periods.

The following data are taken into account for calculating the rental period:

  • Lease start and end dates - derived directly from lease times

  • Lease suspensions - defined in the system dictionary data, allow you to reduce or disable the calculation of rent in periods (including recurring periods), e.g. breaks in calculation on Saturdays/Sundays or holidays

  • Equipment failures - service requests, the type of which has been determined to withhold rental accrual - during their duration, i.e. from the time of the request until the resolution of the respective request

By default, after selecting such an action, the system takes the user to a list of all available billing. The list allows filtering by supplier, time and other parameters.

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Figure 20. List of settlements
The data is also presented synthetically through a dashboard with charts that present the data analytically.

After selecting the details of any billing, we move to the view of additional information of the selected billing. In the upper part of the view, we present information about the supplier, the start and end date, the number of calendar days in the given time period, the date of execution of the billing and the person executing the billing, and the totals of rental cost calculations against the supplier and users.

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Figure 21. Settlement details

The lower part contains information on the billing of individual equipment of a given supplier during the selected time period. The information presented there will indicate the number of calendar days of rental, the number of actual days (after taking into account all withholdings/corrections) and the cost of rentals for the month.

Settlement of leases

To settle (or re-settle) a lease, select the (+) button in the list of settlements view. In the definition window, indicate the rental company for which you are settling leases and the period (month-year) for which you want to carry out settlement. After approval, the system will settle the period and make the data available in the form of a detailed view.

Settlement of the current month can be done at any time. When settling the month, the system will assume the current state of leases as of the settlement date, i.e. if any leases are active, then when settling the month, e.g. in the middle, the system will calculate as if these leases were to be active for the entire month. Only after the closure of a given month can the data be recalculated.
The system allows re-billing of months - this data will replace the previous billing