Versions 1.29.x
Changes and news
Equipment - Rental - possibility to add equipment without the need to order/deliver
In the equipment module, actions have been added that allow you to add devices/machines without having to go through the ordering and delivery acceptance procedure. This allows you to enter devices into the system directly from the desktop view and not necessarily using the delivery module.
Dostępność: Wyposażenie |
Equipment - configuration of the module for managing the company’s internal equipment
The device rental management module has been expanded to include the possibility of additional system configuration in such a way that it performs both the functions of a module for managing small equipment that is rented from external suppliers and settled with them, but also as a module for managing equipment in industrial plants that have their own database of devices that require additional management.
Therefore, during implementation, we can decide to implement one of two module configuration variants:
Variant 1 - small equipment management module - standard variant, which allows to manage equipment, which is rented from external suppliers and settled with them.
Variant 2 - internal equipment management module - extended variant that allows you to manage equipment that is owned by the company and is not rented from external suppliers.
Dostępność: Wyposażenie |
Equipment - Equipment detail view - inspection list - action schedule inspection
Additional actions have been added to the Equipment Details View that allow you to request an inspection/check directly from the details view.
Dostępność: Wyposażenie |
Equipment - Rental - possibility of renting from the rental view
The ability to manage device rentals has been added to the desktop application view. This allows the person responsible for managing device rentals to request a device rental directly from the rental details view. Previously, this operation could only be performed by a given user from their own mobile view.
Dostępność: Wyposażenie |
Equipment - Rental - possibility to order rental from the desktop view
In the desktop view, it is now possible to order a given type of device from an external supplier. Previously, this operation could only be performed by a given user from their own mobile view.
Dostępność: Wyposażenie |
Equipment - Rental - equipment return campaign - we choose the date, person and confirm
Added the ability to close a rental of a given device in the desktop view without having to do it by the person who was the current renter. In the rental details view, additional actions have been added that will allow you to end the rental of a device.
Dostępność: Wyposażenie |
Equipment - Rental - Ordering a device - we do not allow if the device type does not have rental enabled (or only filter these)
For resources whose type does not have the 'is equipment' flag enabled, we do not allow orders to be fulfilled from an external supplier by the equipment module.
Dostępność: Wyposażenie |
Equipment - Equipment detail view - rent action
Added the ability to rent a device directly from the details view. Previously, this operation could only be performed by a given user from their own mobile view.
Dostępność: Wyposażenie |
Equipment - Rental Views - context actions to switch between contexts and edit items
Additional context actions have been added between individual elements of the lease view, allowing you to switch between contexts and edit elements.
Dostępność: Wyposażenie |
Equipment - Rentals - if there are no work orders, do not show these forms/settlements (implementation option)
The Equipment module will not show additional information regarding work orders/contracts and cost assignment for these areas if the Work Order module is not implemented.
Dostępność: Wyposażenie |
Equipment - Importer - rental - fast import of rental equipment
The type and resource importer has been expanded to include import of additional fields defining equipment devices. This includes information on the expiration date, people responsible for this process, owners, current lessors, and information on the end of the lease.
Availability: Equipment |
Integrations - REST - operations for attachments for supervision history
Attachment REST operations have been expanded to include the ability to import attachments to supervision history records. More details are available in the REST API documentation.
Availability: Integrations |
Work orders - expenditure reporting - additional information about the current expenditure status
When reporting the history of a work order and selecting materials for expenditure, information about the current state of expenditure has been added. It appears both in the form for selecting materials from the material plan and in the form for creating expenditure. This allows the user to check whether a given material has already been expendited within the work order.
Dostępność: Zlecenia pracy |
Work orders - search for an order by related materials in the plan or implementation
In the work order view for the mobile interface, the ability to search for work orders based on related items in delivery, order, warehouse or material plan documents has been added. This allows you to search for all orders that have documents with items with the specified type names.
Dostępność: Zlecenia pracy |
Resources - Resource Binding - Do not allow binding of self (loop creation)
When binding resources, it is no longer possible to bind a resource to itself. Previously, this was possible, which created a loop in the resource bindings and prevented their removal.
Availability: Structure |
Work Orders/Leases - Material Plan View - View Summary
In the material plan view for work orders, a view summary has been added in the form of information about the value and quantity of plan elements.
Dostępność: Zlecenia pracy |
Leases - Lease Data View - Plan Value Summary
In the lease details view, added information about the value of all lease plan items.
Dostępność: Dzierżawy |
Work Orders/Leases - Plan View - Plan Item Value
In the material plan view for leases, information about the price of individual plan elements has been added.
Availability: Work orders |
Leases - number of transports, transport cost, transport value
The lease view now allows you to store information about transportation costs and transportation values for individual construction elements/orders.
Availability: Leases |
Inspection rounds - option to recall last measurements
In the definition of the inspection round, the option of enabling the option of recalling the value of the last measurement for the inspection round has been added. After enabling it, during the inspection round, the value of the last measurement appears in the measurement field as a hint. The user can use it as a hint or enter their own value.
Dostępność: Obchody |
Service events - additional notification flag "postponed"
W przypadku zdarzeń serwisowych, które nie mogą być zrealizowane w danym momencie, istnieje możliwość oznaczenia ich jako odłożone. W takim przypadku zdarzenie nie jest usuwane z systemu, ale jest oznaczone jako odłożone i jest domyślnie ukrywane. W celu wyświetlenia takich zdarzeń serwisowych dostępny jest dodatkowy filtr, który pozwala na wyświetlenie tylko zdarzeń odłożonych.
When you postpone an event, you specify a date until which the event will be postponed and not visible in the default view.
The scheduler, which can be enabled in the system, can send notifications about upcoming postponed event dates or change the event status to active, taking into account the postponement date. The scheduler should be configured in the 'Lightning' button in the service event view or in the system configuration section. |
Dostępność: Serwis |
Mobile inspection round - during inspection round enable access to charts of the last measurements
During the inspection round, an additional action "Chart" has appeared in the menu of individual elements, which allows you to display a chart for the last measurements. The function is available only for measurements.
Functionality available only for performing the inspection in the online version. The system must be able to access the server with the data of previous measurements. |
Dostępność: Obchody |
Service events - information about records in individual detail tabs
The service event details display a list of entries in each tab. This allows the user to quickly check which tabs contain entries.
Dostępność: Serwis |
Shell - offline architecture
The AMAGE Shell application has been expanded to include the ability to work offline. For instances with offline mode enabled, an additional Offline button appears in the user interface. The architecture allows for data synchronization on mobile devices and work without a network connection. The main mechanisms allow for data synchronization, logging in, and viewing basic offline mode functions. Successively, depending on the needs, additional functional areas working in offline mode will be added.
Dostępność: AMAGE Shell |
Shell - offline - performing rounds, synchronizing rounds
The AMAGE Shell application supports the work of maintenance systems in offline mode without access to the network. Synchronization of maintenance data allows data to be sent to the device and work without connecting to the network. After completing tasks and obtaining access to the network, the application sends all completed maintenance to the central system.
Availability: AMAGE Shell |
Plan materiałowy - pokazać też elementy z dokumentów magazynowych nieobecne w planie
W planie materiałowym zlecenia pracy możemy za pomocą opcji Połącz dostawy
wyświetlić również elementy, które pochodzą z dostaw, a nie były zdefiniowane w planie materiałowym. Pozwala to na wykrycie elementów, które są nadmiarowe względem planu. Dodatkowo kolumna ilości materiału z dostaw jest podświetlana, gdy ilość materiału dostarczonego jest większa niż wynika z planu.
Dostępność: Zlecenia pracy |